Moore Enterprises Inc.

Moore Enterprises Inc.
Total Home Land Security
Smithtown and Garden City, N. Y.
Master Smart Grid Service Provider with
Security and Energy Monitoring Services!
Residential & Small Business Cloud Monitoring Services!

Customer Remote Command and Control!
Via: Tablet and IPhone:
Intrusion Alarm, Life Safety, Energy Management, Automation;
Smart Grid Energy Management! emPower Smarter Energy Decisions

emPower® Devices
emPower is a feature-rich home automation and energy management solution built on’s proven, interactive platform. This solution offers complete remote control of the critical systems at a property, from any web-enabled computer or mobile device. With emPower, you can easily manage the lights, door locks, appliances and thermostat settings, and make Smarter Energy Decisions!

Central Station Monitoring with First Responders: “””Response”””
New Your State Alarm & Life Safety & Smart Grid Energy Management Response:

United Central Station Monitoring with First Responders “””Response”””
Oyster Bay, N.Y.


Vision Central Station Monitoring with First Responders “””Response”””
Garden City, N.Y.

Full Service Central Station monitoring centers serving Metro New York , Centrally located in Garden City, and Oyster Bay, N.Y providing state of the art monitoring services for: Home Safety, Business Security, Personal Medical, Safety, Armed Hold-Up, Retail Openings & Closings, Government Facility Monitoring, Fire Detection and Employee Surveillance and Smart Grid Related Monitoring dispatching Local First Responders.

The Above Are The Moore Smart Grid;
NY Area- Long Island Central Stations Of Choice for Smart Grid Professionals;
The New HVAC Energy Management Contractor Smart Grid Monitoring Choice:

Moore Enterprises Inc. (Master Dealer) offer a full array of Micro Grid, Smart Grid, Contracted Services with additional Dealer services for Security and HVAC Contractors expanding into; The N.Y. State Smart Grid Arena;

Moore Enterprises Inc. & Grid Market:
Servicing and Marketing the Smart Grid, Smart Grid Distributed Energy Resources, while promoting the N.Y.S Reforming The Energy Vision (REV) Mission of The Smart Grid, in Harmony with The New York State Smart Grid Consortium Partners:
Grid Market