The N.Y.S. REV and The Smart Grid Market Place

New York State
Reforming The Energy Vision (REV )
The Smart Grid Market Place

Moore is the gateway to The Smart Grid-N.Y.S REV

World, Federal and State Energy Leaders are watching the unfold-meant Of REV as The NYSPSC examines the distribution utility business model in New York and consider changes necessary to establish a Distribution System Platform Providers (“DSPP”), entities that would actively manage and coordinate distributed energy resources (“DERs”) such as energy efficiency, demand response, energy storage, and distributed generation, Note: (Home Area Network energy consuming products included) and provide a market that would enable customers to optimize their energy priorities and be provided the opportunity and compensation to provide system benefits. Second, the NYPSC will consider whether and how ratemaking practices for electric distribution utilities should be modified to accommodate a DSPP business model and promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, least cost energy supply, fuel diversity, system adequacy and reliability, demand elasticity, and customer empowerment.

With new regulations and market structures, integrating solar, behind-the-meter batteries, plug-in electric vehicles ,demand response systems, home area network (HAN) devices;
[All under the title of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) ]
into its N.Y.S. Smart Grid, The REV is creating and will be authorizing a New Smart Grid Authority; Distribution System Platform Provider (DSPP)

REV is creating a new class of grid market players, known as distributed energy resource providers (DERP ). Under NYS REV The Distribution System Platform Provider (DSPP) sets rules for how Distributed Energy Resources (DER) can be aggregated and dispatched to serve the same grid markets open to utility-scale energy installations today.

REV will be opening it demand response rules in ways that will open up new business models and revenue opportunities for Energy Management Service Contractors and Home Automation Cloud Service Providers from companies like; It is important to note that Home Area Network (HAN) Devices are part of the NYS REV DER’s. It is also important to note that starting out over 10 years as a cloud monitoring alarm security service provider, has thousands of security dealers and hundred of thousands of accounts monitored which are a easy turn on to Energy Management Systems and Demand Response Clients for the Utilities. Alarm Security Companies are the natural Energy Management Companies (DERP) Utility Partner due to the experience, training and NYS Licensing Requirements. Moore Enterpises Inc. (Master Dealer and Gateway To Alarm.Com”Remote Dealer-Customer Command And Control Cloud Monitoring Service”)

Under REV the standard Utility model of the single, large and transmission-connected resources like power plants, solar farms and utility-scale grid batteries is opening Energy Sourse Supply, Energy Distribution, Energy Management, Energy Revenue To Retail Energy Competition; Distributed Energy Resource Providers (DERP) and DER’s will be scattered across the distribution grid. DER’s will play a larger and larger role over time as consumers and contractors become Aware Of The Energy Cost Savings Created By The REV TOP.

The Distributed System Platform Provider Of REV
“The Empire and Rules Of The Smart Grid Game”

Moore is the gateway to REV a cleaner, more resilient energy future for N.Y.
Moore’s ‘s mission is to catalyze the distributed energy landscape and accelerate project facilitation though:

With access to customer approved non-public energy consumption data,
Moore will pre-qualify best fit sites with pre-screened qualified licensed contractors and experienced vendors with proven manufacture product solutions and bring the REV to N.Y.

Note: The Cost of these Smart Grid Energy Saving and Customer Energy Saving
(Dollars) Project managed and financed by Moore’s Banking Partner can be financed by the project real time energy saving dollar cost!

Moore’s Partners’ have the Expertise in the permitting and interconnection process from Analysis to Feasibility Study to Financing to Project Management to Final Smart Grid Completion !!
Moore Enterprises Inc. is The Gateway To Increased Customer Engagement;
And Smart Grid Contractor Pertisapation!