Moore Smart Grid

imageClimate change, national security and enerry dependence are a related set of global challenges” that has motivated the U.S Govemment universities, business leaders to unite behind a national policy of “enerry independence, enerry efficiency and “new energ/ sources” thus the implementation of a strategic smart grid plan in the US with related smart (products, homes, buildings and related services).

U.S. Strategic Global Challenges;

1. Climate change
2. National Security
3. Foreign Energy Dependence

U.S Government, Universities, Community & Business Leaders
Unite Behind A U.S. National Policy Of;

A. Energy Independence
B. New Energy Sources
C. Energy Security
D. Smart Grid

The Implementation Of A Strategic U.S. Smart Grid;
With Smart

1. Smart Products
2. Smart Homes
3. Smart Buildings
4. Smart Distributed Energy Resources
4. Smart Related Services

The Consultancy of Moore Enterprises Inc with its Partner Resource off
Grid Market will provide an assessment of the Customer Existing Energy Consumtion and Generating Resources (current customer situation) and Potential Smart Grid Landscape and create strategies for developing, positioning and deploying Smart Grid technologies while assessing the functional benefits of Smart Grid business value (Saving Energy Dollars) for key stakeholders

Moore Smart Grid Consultancy: 10-25-2015
Edward F. Moore
Smithtown Office 631-803-6597
Garden City, NY 516-512-8982
Cell-Text 407-766-0242