To Our Senior Citizens and Soldier Veterans;
“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will”…and have… A day of public thanksgiving and prayer ….to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially ……, the opportunity to pay tribute … To Our Senior Citizens and Soldier Veterans …,who have by their sacrifices afforded U.S an opportunity peaceably to … assemble and acknowledge The Goodness Of God and The Goodness Of Our Nation and be here as Free Individuals and peacefully assemble with our Family and Friends:
The American Soldier! 11-11-11-15
My Father “The American Soldier”:
My Father the American Solder is the closest man to God I know.
He was there to give me birth.
He protected me as I grew to man hood.
He sheltered my body and feed my soul and provided for my every need.
He put his own Life and Liberty on the front battle field of war for his family.
He became my Closest Friend and Mentor.
He taught me Love by example and spoke very few words of love.
He worked humbly in the factories of Life and bowed down to no man.
He did not seek wealth or power but the joy of a smiling face from the Children.
He never told a lie as he feared no man and sort no dishonest gain.
He simply taught by example the simple truth of the Gospel.
My Father The American Soldier:
He lived a Life that said in deed.
Take care of your family, your friends, and your fellow man and ask no thing in return; be there for them when they need you and be strong, give to the day you leave this Earth. My father the soldier simply puts in deed what most of us put in Words. My father the Soldier like Christ on the Cross simply heals and transforms the world by taking on the suffering burden of his fellow man, his family, his friends, and his whole world. My father the Soldier like Christ the son so loved his fellow man that he takes upon him-self his suffering and through his own Faith, Courage, Love bears this burden until his father in Heaven brings him Home. My Father The American Soldier: Those that equate the American Soldier with the terrorist who kill women and children while they commit human suicide have no understanding of the American Soldier, his history, and have never, been loved by the American Soldier.
To protect the weak and the un-armed, to put him-self in arms way with the goal of returning home; back to his family, his Nation, his freedom.
My father the American Soldier knows that he is the one that stands tall as a wall to protect, his family and the environment; his world where his family, his Children live and play, His Nation. My father the American Soldier understands that the wave of destruction must be stopped before it reaches his Home Land.
My father the American Soldier understands that once these people on foreign land get a taste of Love and Freedom, they too, like the American Soldier will stand tall and spread the gospel of love, peace and freedom by their own example. As they too will want to preserve these LIVING SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES of LIFE, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY and FAMILY HAPPLYNESS for their CHILDREN.
God bless these Men.
Edward F. Moore Jr.